Event Archive

Deepak Dhar – Hard rigid rotors on a lattice

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10:45am - 11:45am

Deepak Dhar  – Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

Wednesday, January 11, 10:45AM (Zoom meeting starts at 10:30)


"Hard rigid rotors on a lattice"

I will discuss the phase transitions in a system of identical hard rotors, of general shape, pivoted on the vertices of a d-dimensional regular lattice, where the rotors can have arbitrary orientations except for the condition that different rotors can not overlap. For asymmetrically placed pivots, for a range of lattice spacings, any rotor can overlap with at most one of its neighbors at one time. In this range, the problem simplifies, and the model reduces finding the grand partition function o incomplete coverings of the base lattice by dimers at a finite negative activity.

We can determine the exact functional form of the probability distribution function of orientations at a site when the atmost one overlap condition is satisfied. This shows a rich structure, and many singularities as a function of orientation. These results are verified by numerical simulations.